And now it's the end of October already! Whew....time is going so fast.
There are probably so many things to catch up on....I don't know where to start!
Jennifer is going to meet us in Las Vegas in January!
I was surprised to receive an award at the Contact Volunteer Recognition breakfast....and what a thoughtful choice of item to remember it by!
In case you can't see it, that is a glass cowboy boot! :-)
Other month's events since we're back from Atlanta included Eastampton Day (and Trunk or Treat/ Bonfire and Hayride), a couple of Sugarfootin' Sundays and otherwise nights of dancing, three book club meetings (one in Ocean City), both NJREA and BCREA Fall meetings, President's Dinner, phone bank calls, two DEAR lunches as well as lunch with Gee Gee (when was my dinner with Margie and Pat?), some HR Block classes, Conni's birthday celebration, a myriad of movies, Contact shifts, and SHIP client contacts and Fall Update meeting.
Tom is back to bowling and trying to catch as much golf as possible before it snows or something...
His health is always something to be watched or worried about, but he is hanging in there.
New bowling ball, new Amazon Fire tablet, lots of food shopping....
Roberta, the weaver |
Book Club in Ocean City |
My favorite husband, Tom |
Sadly, we haven't been dancing as much as we used to...just can't seem to get up the energy.
Hope to get to the Library Sunday concert today for a cover band-Allman Brothers.
Wish we were in Myrtle Beach with Margie and Mike!