Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A "Tire-ing" Day

 Went to bed late (what else is new? Hey, it's the pandemic...) but got up early for a haircut. Sleep after? No, no...dancing with Rosie until the video came to an abrupt halt midstream.

I called Car Sense and got a 3 o clock apptmt to deal with the continuing but worsening saga of the tire pressure issue light on my car dashboard. Long story short....$31 there to find out what was wrong (and not pay $234 for a new sensor --turns out my car warranty expired the end of May!) but headed to Costco tires to take advantage of my road hazard deal with them. After 2 hours sitting (reading, not so bad) I ended up with the knowledge that they'd call when the tire was in to set up an appointment for replacement tire ($40) (and....two sensors to be fixed but at $46 apiece...so much better than Car Sense service cost).

I got home in time to sign in to the Eastampton Town Council meeting. (Why is Rob Apgar hiding? :-)  It was interesting until I fell asleep. Woke up and it was gone.

Jennifer and I played a hot game of Scrabble and now I am reading.

Sue's photo books came and they are so great! 

Tom missed his spine shot appointment yesterday. (He had the wrong time).

Terrible things are happening with voting obstruction in Texas and elsewhere. The Supreme Court (pre Amy even!) has decided it's ok for TX to have only one polling place in each county, the census taking can be cut off early (before immigrants are counted). 

Also, Trump used an out of context didn't have permission clip of Dr. Fauci in a political ad making it look like Fauci was praising Trump's handling of the coronavirus. Oy.

And so much more.........! 

These are the times that try men's souls..... (and women too)

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Happy birthday, Jennifer!

 A big bonus of internet connections: I got to "attend" Jennifer's socially distanced birthday party with Sue and Patrick in the park.

She got balloons and food and cake and books and a cat card. We all sang happy birthday and ushered in her new year of life.

We love Jennifer! <3

What a fun time!