I have been keeping busy this Fall so far!
Yesterday for example, I went to my (third) H&R Block class (turns out I did too much homework--and finished through what isn't due til next Tuesday...It is really fun and interesting), then the Heartwalk Coordinators meeting at BCEA, my second golf lessons class (Interestingly, I found out at the first session that Mike the golf pro/teacher is the boyfriend of the nice lady I befriended at Prospectors a few days earlier. He recognized me as the person who helped her learn a dance before the Keith Anderson concert Saturday night! Small world!) and finally 90 minutes or so of dancing at Prospectors.

The day before was gym, golf (for the second time this month for me!), and Prospectors.
The day before that was tax prep. class, and first golf lesson.
See what I mean? And I didn't even hear from Contact yet regarding the Fall training with them.
Meanwhile, the stock market keeps going down (even the few up days aren't helping much), we are agonizing over the Long Term Health Care Insurance decision, I went to the bank for the Cashier's check to pay the (grrr) SC speeding trap ticket, and Bluegreen tempted us into another Florida vacation at The Fountains in Orlando (sometime in the next 12 months).

Still on the agenda: meeting with Chip the 16th, Terri's 25x2 party the 21st , dinner at Marrakesh with the brunch group Saturday , working at the Eastampton Fun Day on the 20th, collecting donations for the Heart Walk, and Jennifer and Jassy coming for her birthday in October! Whoo hoo!
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