Friday, October 10, 2008

The Great Depression of 2008?

Well this is sure a scary time, financially speaking. When I saw the Dow was down over 1000 at around 10 a.m. I was flabbergasted. Since then it has gone as high as up 23 and is currently-10:49 a.m. down 245. I guess it will be up and down all day and maybe I should stop watching..What can I do about it? Nothing.....

Ok so on to happier topics....
The Jennifer Birthday Visit/Surprise worked out just great. She was sooo surprised and happy to see Sue and Jeff..and Bradley and Beej...when we walked into Carmines in NYC. Her visit included two Broadway shows, rides on the subway, brunch with Millie and Harry, an amateur theater show, a whirlwind tour of historic Philadelphia (complete with cheesesteaks), a tour of Washington D.C. sites (including Hannah and her beau and Sue's good friends Bob and Kathy), three attempted trips to Liberty Island to see the statue of, and currently wedding involvement with N. Jersey friends. It has been so great having Jenn and Jassy for a visit..and our time with Sue and brief contact with Jeff and all other family members of long lost times...was a huge bonus.

Joanne surprised me by stopping in at my H&R Block class Wed. (on her way home from the Santa Fe Balloon Fest vacation). I had lunch with her and Marcia before I went to 30th St. Station to pick Jenn and Jass up after their Washington leg of the journey), always a pleasure.

Currently we are in N. Jersey for a Bowling Tournament Tom is in. Wish us luck!

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