On my way home from an appointment in Delran, I stopped at Millbridge and DIS.
I thought it was pretty unfair to let the kids go home because of excessive heat and not the staff. At least DIS has air conditioning, but I quickly remembered how hot Millbridge was...and how hard to teach with sweat pouring down. :-(
It was good to see everybody (Jean Lombardi was finishing up a day of subbing (?!!)) and I am looking forward to seeing them again at the Retirement Brunch on the 20th.
Then I stopped at the BCEA Office to get pics and info for the BCEA website
Sandy, Mary, and Barbara were there. (Barbara is getting married a week from Saturday!) I also found out Toni was elected as an NEA Director, Steve Swetsky is Vince G., Vince is Bob B., and Edie is on the State Board! Who knew???
Not a lot of people responded to my call for Rally-ers for tomorrow.
Lauren hasn't written in her blog for almost a week. I guess Laos doesn't have easily accessible cyber cafes. (and I hope she is ok and all is well).
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