Sunday, November 9, 2008

Aloha Terri!

Our friend Terri from Hawaii is in town and we have been having fun with her dancing at Prospectors every night since Thursday. Hopefully we will get to see her and Dan when we are out their way in the spring, and dance at Pearl Harbor.

Things are moving along at a hectic pace here....or so it seems...we are keeping busy anyway.
My classes are winding to a close and I will be official, hopefully, in both areas, the election is over, Tom has been getting some high bowling scores (but not quite the elusive perfect score! yet...) It is getting colder and Tom is longing for FL warmth.

I made a website about Jennifer's birthday trip which was a good review of all our good times with the visiting Kayes and assorted relatives last month.

I just finished reading The Time Travellers Wife, a book Sue recommended, and I really liked it. Discussing it with someone at Contact led to an invitation to attend a book club meeting later this month. How exciting!

A funny thing happened and I don't know whether to ask about it or just be grateful.....We got a check from the South Carolina Central Traffic Court. Remember the speed trap ticket? They said it was $185 and that's what I paid...but now they sent a check to us for 103.50! Any guesses on the story behind the "refund"? There was absolutely no explanation....just the check. Hmmm.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the officer was dyslexic, and the fee was 81.50?