At Jerome's buying a new computer...well, 2 computers (a new laptop for Tom) and a new top for my maligned laptop.
Wish me luck with windows 11!
At Jerome's buying a new computer...well, 2 computers (a new laptop for Tom) and a new top for my maligned laptop.
Wish me luck with windows 11!
So, I can't believe I haven't put anything on here for a month! :-( What have I been up to? Our mailbox fell down and is still grounded. No one has come to help us after our failed attempt at digging through embedded wood in the old hole. Also frustrating is the fact that Dr. Berkman has never called us back regarding the scary biopsy report language Tom read following his surgery.
There have been a lot of holiday gatherings. Yesterday the Eastampton book club met at Pandora Diner. I gave them cards, a random recycled book in a shopping bag, and some sugared nuts. (They loved the bags! LOL) But I never took a picture! :-(
Others included eating with DEAR friends, Friends of the Library, BCEA, BCREA, Sigma and I'm heading up to Cranbury to see Gee Gee today. :-) (That's a lot of eating, and sadly no exercise to speak of with Tom being too post surgery recovering to dance). There was the library book sale, Bruce's concert, the woman singers, and Charlie Zaun.
Actually, I have to send some Christmas cards today or forever hold my peace.
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Charlie Zaun at the library |
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Ruth at the Madison with BCEA |
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Moorestown Community Concert |
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With Judy and DEAR friends at Dooneys |
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At Villa Rosa with Library Friends |
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Beautiful women's singing group (library ) |
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Peg Madison and me |
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With Dolly at the Sigma Holiday Tea |
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Thanksgiving Eve Day with Tom |
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November book club |
I worked at the polls on Election Day and then Tom and I drove to Atlantic City for the NJREA Convention.
We had dinner at Margaritaville.
On Wednesday the 16th, Dolly and I took the train to NY to see Funny Girl (with Lea Michele of Glee fame). It was great!
On Saturday, Irene and I went on the BCEA bus trip to NYC to see the Rockettes Christmas show. Afterward we walked to Bryant Park and then the Library.
September 12, 2022
I visited Millbridge with Kathryn, Janet, and Jackie. It's been a long time! (My first year of teaching was at that school....51 years ago!)
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We ran into former fifth grader, now teacher, Kathy McHugh |
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Roberta, Tom, and Joe White- Olden Days |
Still no Covid for me and fingers crossed to stay that way.
I hope Tom feels well enough to get a trip to NYC together for us sometime this month. Driving to FL is too far; I'm not comfortable with driving to Myrtle Beach either....although it would be great to see Joanne.
Hot hot hot and our air conditioning is running to be 71 degrees at all times....
Caitlin's baby Mason (born July 2) is adorable and much adored by all.
Jennifer got to meet him too.
We have seen all the movies and I am reading a lot, too.
I finished the CE requirements for HRB for the next season and Lisa had a little party for us with award incentives. (Kalpna did 600 returns! OMG!)
We dance:
I can't believe summer is going to be over in like ten seconds (well, that's what it feels like....time goes so fast now!)
Tom's surgery on Monday had us at the hospital for 7 hours (3 waiting to go in! 2 procedure, 2 recovery (alone). He came out okay, but there is more surgery in the future.
He is very brave and we continue to dance....speaking of which....
Remember when we won a 2nd place trophy? and the old days of Prospectors?
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2nd place trophy for Sweetheart Schottische |
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After the Reign |
Also, looks like I am back in the SHIP counselor business (first referral since February!) It's been tough with Rowan dumping us, but applications for a new "sponsor" has been sent out. Fingers crossed!
Caitlin's baby Mason is doing well and Jodie's birthday was duly celebrated (both celebrated by us from afar, alas).
Looking through old photos for Jodie's birthday, I happened upon this one....Tom and I were awarded the title of King and Queen (of dancing) at Prospectors. So cool!
(Now they don't even stamp cards for free night every ten visits :-( and raised their entry cost)
Those were definitely the days!
So today is happy birthday to Jodie. The Mays, Kayes, Arnolds, Moores, and more will be celebrating with her in person out in CA. I hope they have time to "face time" us in.
Tom's surgery is back on for Monday and I pray all goes well. He's had a plethora of doctor appointments and bloodwork and tests these last weeks.
Tom headed out for a stress test at 7 a.m.
Mike Comman called for a get together invite...which will happen after Tom's shingles clears up.
I attended a SHIP/SMP online symposium about diversity and equity. (and part two is tomorrow)
I had a frightening experience: I was standing on a piece of furniture (black upstairs sofa) and my foot slipped into the space between the armrest and the cushion and was (very tight and painfully) trapped. I was caught and couldn't get out and it was painful staying in the spot and agony trying to release it. I finally did, but wow! My foot still shows the aftermath. :-(
Also, here is a listing of the songs that were number one on all my birthdays!
It's mid are graduating and it was cold! this week-end past.
We still haven't finished unpacking from Nashville, and Tom has shingles now...poor the midst of getting ready for surgery July 11th. He has doctor's appointments, labs, and stress tests filling his days as well. Needless to say, no dancing for us.
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Ironically, in my first blog post-July 2007- I noted that poor Tom had shingles! |
I had two book club meetings today (Monday). Eastampton's at the Rec Building and Contact's on my zoom.
We've seen some movies of late: Top Gun, Jurassic Park, and Lightyear. I am so looking forward to Elvis. It would be fun to see it with Ann, his greatest fan!
Today (Tuesday) several birthdays are being celebrated- Pat Hummell, Beej, and Amy Goff.
And now it is officially summer.
We are on the second day of recuperating from our nine day CMA Music Fest adventure. Here are all the photos from the week-
CMA Music Fest 2022 (long delayed from 2020!)
We flew in and opted not to rent a car. The hotel was great as usual and the weather cooperated with the earlier prediction of scattered thunderstorms daily being disproven. :-)
We Lyft-ed to Walmart for some in hotel food supplies and rented a mobility scooter for Tom, which was helpful in getting him around on the days he felt up to it.
The night time performances at Nissan were good (but LOUD!) and our seats right on the rail were too distant for stage photos but comfortable and fine enough for shots of the big screens (although using our new phones for photos was disappointing- definitely bringing camera and old phone for pics next time!)
We are picking up Jennifer at the airport tonight and I can't wait to see her! (Patrick will be in NYC for dog sitting this week too....Sue opted not to come, hoping to avoid a second cancellation of Caitlin's shower)
Latest happenings (pre Jennifer) include:
Watching the entire six seasons (plus Movie #1 of) Downton Abbey (with a mid binge visit to see the new movie of it!)
Backyard upheaval including replacement of deck and patio and gas grill, removal of two trees, and refurbishing of the "little house"
Tom having tested positive for Covid for almost three weeks (although feeling recovered from the cold like symptoms after three days!) and me always negative
Less dancing than usual due to both Covid positivity (see above) and caution due to upcoming trip to Nashville (first travel in over two years...and on an airplane yet!)
Tom enduring many visits to many doctors
North Jersey group trip for the NJREA 100th anniversary celeb (along with NJREA and BCREA spring luncheons)
Eastampton book club back at the Rec Center
and a rained out PTA color run (twice!)