Saturday, August 8, 2020

Sue's birthday

 I created a new jeopardy board called August 8 in  honor of Sue's birthday and I am dying to play it with people, but at Patrick's zoom for Sue's party we just played her Jeopardy (again). It was fun, but I realize more than 6 or so people makes it hard to be heard. 

Speaking of zooms, we were shocked with some porn invasion at Carol's dancing zoom Friday night. I don't know how they got in, but they were gone when we left and came back. It was pretty x-rated for sure.

Interesting observation: as we watched Antman and the Wasp I realized as they were rescuing the mother from the quantum realm that it was the exact same situation as Aquaman and his mother. Who knew? I think those moms could be good friends. Right? It reminded me of the time I realized Rainman and Twins had the same theme: two brothers, separated all their lives find each other, are not compatible at first, but bond strongly as they get to know each other. 

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