Wednesday, May 6, 2020


The latest is working on a memory book for Theresa, who is retiring at June's end at Marty's suggestion. So far we have an email address and some photos. To be continued.

I've gotten back into the swing of CONTACT (from home!) and SHIP clients (7 hours over 2 days for one client and her husband...and then she decided to stick with what she had found for herself originally...but pledged to come back and revisit at open enrollment time....)

It's been fun seeing everybody in the zoom rooms for dice, book club, shmoozing, etc. I have been quite remiss with the Max, sadly.
I'm trying to do all the dancing, but it's tough with our limited floor space. :-(

Tom has been hurting and I feel so bad for him. Shooting and constant pains in his shoulders and back. He even went to ER (at primary doctor's suggestion). I waited in the parking lot for him for like four hours (and finished The Wax Pack). Diagnosis: getting old.

My nails and hair are growing at an amazing rate. I do not despair. I will stay home for as long as it takes. I just wish other people would be similarly considerate. 

Pat May zoom birthday party


DEAR friends

Ann Gina Linda Sam

Book Club

Me Barb Steph Dana Linda

School is closed for this school year in NJ. Opening in September is anybody's guess. I am so glad to be retired! and not have children at home either.

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