Thursday, April 2, 2020

CMA Music Fest Cancelled

Well, it wasn't unexpected and it is definitely the safest choice, but we will sure miss it this year.

We have been happily zooming most recently in a chat with Joanne and Dolly, but pretty much daily for a game or two of 5000 with Sue and Patrick (and happy 37th anniversary to them, by the way!)

Life under the coronavirus pandemic aura is not easy. Constant news coverage with the latest statistics and heartbreaking stories of death, unemployment, and irresponsible administration in government is overwhelming.

Tom and I worked on the lawn yesterday in the sunshine. I picked up sticks and he mowed. It was almost fun....a welcome change from being indoors watching tv and eating all day.

I need a new book.

HR Block is staying open through July15 now....though with less offices and people....certainly without me!

We are healthy enough, although Tom went out to the lab for blood tests the other day and he has to go in for a cystoscopy on the 15th. My fingers are crossed for no cancer like he thinks, but the doctor didn't seem as positive when he told us the cancer was back..... :-(

My hair. 'nuff said.  :-(

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