Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Labor Day

The threat of Hurrican Hermine is over but my thoughts are focused today on another very scary circumstance:

Short story:

Our pension was over 100 per cent funded.
Enter Christy Todd Whitman and the next 20
years' worth of governors of NJ with little to
none of the required yearly funding.

Now we have one of the if not the worst
funded pensions in the United States.

A promise by the current Governor (Christie)
to have the State fulfill its obligation in
exchange for increased payments by the
employees was broken.

Legal and constitutional efforts to right the
wrong have proven fruitless.

Now the governor is attempting to arbitrarily
and illegally change the retirees health plan.

If that weren't enough, he is also trying to
force a statewide evaluation system for
teachers which would include a 30% portion to
be based on a known flawed standardized test.

 The extreme audacity of this administration
is beyond belief and the dire consequences of
his actions are terrifying.

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