Saturday, April 20, 2013

April now

It's five days since Tom's surgery and he is finally feeling better. In fact, we just got back from the movies. We saw Jurassic Park in 3-D. It was really good. The dinosaurs weren't as scary as i thought they'd be, but the general 3-d-hood was better than most I've encountered to date.

I see I haven't written anything in a MONTH! I guess I was busy.

Tax season is over, I've done some things with CONTACT and SHIP and danced, and Tom had a gazillion doctor's appointments and that surgery....He finally did something about his sleep apnea and is resting much better and so am I (no snoring!)

What else? Hmm....We won tickets to a Montgomery Gentry private-ish concert and that was fun.

Sue and Patrick were in NYC for a whirlwind trip, but we didn't get to see them

I opened a bill on the way to the movies tonight and almost had a heart attack, but then realized it was my neighbor's. He wasn't home, so we left him a message. I feel terrible (and isn't it illegal?) but it was an accident. Who thought a bill from Bank of America in my mailbox wouldn't be mine?

I wish summer weather would come back; I was freezing today!

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