Saturday, October 22, 2011

Some changes in the plan....

I found out on the way home from the TP&AF meeting that Jeff and family aren't coming after all. We are so sad and disappointed. Hopefully when everyone is feeling better they will give it another try.

Sue and I have totally given up on flavors as a viable website. I made her one on but although I had fun setting it up and gathering some old photos for it, I found it to be almost as frustrating as flavor. I suppose word press will be the next venue, but ick...that is so complicated and frustrating at times, too. Why can't they all be as easy and fun as my (now turned Intuit)? Free vs paid. Maybe. But I can't imagine the same troubles not haunting us for flavor and webs even on the paid versions.....They are just so not WYSIWYG and/or user friendly. I'm talking HOURS! wasted here. Ew ew ew.

On a consoling note, I guess we'll be dancing tonight. Tony and Wanted will be fun at Prospectors. (Dina didn't make it on Thursday, by the way. Another time for her, too, will have to be planned one of these days...) [I hope Jill and Mike have had a wonderful time in London and a safe journey home tomorrow].

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