Monday, August 1, 2011

Side blog re Susan May

Well, it seems we won't be getting daily blog updates from sister Sue in Oz. It's pretty expensive to get online and access isn't all that forthcoming, not knowing where they are going to be from day to day.

I was happy to get an email from her from her new iphone. They were having fun in Melbourne and Tasmania at that point, but, sadly, they had to leave two kids in Los Angeles. It turns out unbeknownst to niece Zoe, her passport was [wrongly] cancelled. She and thoughtful sister Caitlin had to stay in L.A. for the weekend, awaiting an appointment at the passport place today. They'll be making the 15 hour flight out tonight at 11 p.m. to rejoin their long lost family.

Tom and I are enjoying a quiet barbecue at home on this somewhat rainy, thunder booming in the area day.

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