Monday, August 17, 2009

Super slow Comcast-The Online Nightmare

Recent news: Myrtle Beach was awesome, I got lost two times one day en route and home from a meeting in Lawrenceville (thank goodness I live in a small state!), I'm trying to get my DIS school friends to lunch next Monday for a preschool starting get together, Doreen is home after successful surgery, Jeff's boys are back home (in NY!)from a week in CA having fun with Jenn and Jass and Sue and all, I'm working on the BCEA website, getting it ready for fall, my H&R Block classes start up tomorrow, we're still looking to get to the beach a couple of times before summer's end, and I'm still loving Facebook, but the big story on action news is....our internet suddenly got really slow to no trans and I called Comcast and they will send someone on ........WEDNESDAY! (sometime between 1 and 5). Don't they know we live on the computer and this is torture?!!! :-(

1 comment:

Customer.Connect.Melissa said...


Sorry to hear about your connectivity issues and the wait for an appointment. Let us know how the service call goes and if we can be of assistance. Send us an email any time to the address below. We're here if you need us.

Kind Regards,
Melissa Mendoza
Comcast Customer Connect
National Customer Operations