Monday, June 24, 2019

What happened to June?!

And now it is the last week of June! Time goes so fast!

We have made up for lost time at the movies. I went to the DEA Retirement lunch, lunch with Piscataway friends, and lunch with the DEAR friends group. We also had lunch at our favorite place. Quite a week for eating!

Tom's still doing his share of doctors. I did the eye thing...good for another six months....Conni has been in Virtua Hospital all week...I finished two books so far....I had 14,000+ steps earlier, thanks to Sugarfootin' Sunday (good thing since I woke up too late for the extra Max day....the new challenge starts today (I think this is my fifth? is that how many 10 week segments plus in betweens are in a year? It's been a year!!! Wow) Tom was working the lawn and took some passer-bys up on cutting some of our branches down and cleaning up. It looks better now.

Tomorrow I am going to Sky's after the Max to start helping with the school supply sorting.

Remind me to tell you about the Rita's water ice story! :-) Suffice to say they want to give me anything I want for free to keep me happy and coming back!

I was glad to hear that Margie, Mike, and Pat were feeling well enough to hit A. C. for Pat's birthday!

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