Sunday, April 27, 2014

Busy week-end

Friday night was the Eastampton Ladies Night Out fund-raiser. (I didn't win ANYTHING. :-(

After I got home, I grabbed Tom who hobbled with me to Prospectors to hook up with Teri, up visiting from Virginia.

Saturday I volunteered at the Burlington County Earth Day Celebration in Smithville Park.

Saturday night it was back to Prospectors to dance with Teri (sans Tom this time).

Today is Sugarfootin' Sunday and I am back to Prospectors one more time. At least, that's the plan for now.

I had a couple of days of post tax season work, but don't seem to be on the schedule for any more. Hmmm....

Tom is getting better, but still taking the pain pills, Zoe's birthday is coming up, so is Isaac's, and Jackson is graduating!

In other news, I heard through the facebookvine that Kim is  moving (moved?) to Florida (and Margie's house may be sold soon.)

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