Saturday, March 10, 2012

Eye Eye Eye

I had the last surgery (hopefully) on my left eye. (Just a little curious as to how they had my approval signature in August for the laser surgery I didn't know they'd need until after I had some issues with my post cataract surgery vision in November.....?)
That was yesterday and I recuperated at home, foregoing the usual dancing.
Today I accompanied Tom to a bowling tournament and despite his lingering cold symptoms, he held his own. He is going back tomorrow for the teams portion, but I am working at HR Block (and then helping the Rec Comm with some prep, having dinner with the Brunch group, and going over to Burlington Center to grab some photos of the upgoing exhibits for our Mall Project....)
So here is today's amazing video...a record-holding belly dancer who can concentrate so well that she can direct individual muscles to turn coins over on her a group and one at a time. Unbelievable! I'm not embedding it, but if you want to check it out, you are welcome to. The video is a segment from some tv show it looks like.
I am having fun studying for the IRS tax preparers exam. :-)

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