Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What a difference ten days makes!

I see that last time I wrote was over a week ago. We've been home for 10 days already. Hard to believe.
Hey, it's cold here! What's up with that???
I've been trying to get back in the swing of things with HR Block. The people that work there are so nice and I've met some great clients too! It's tiring, though! I remember work now...! Yep, this is what is what it was like!
Scary news....robberies in Mt. Laurel....as in...the Prospectors parking lot car break-ins. :-(
And of course the stock market which took one look at the President signing the stimulus plan and took a nose dive. This is the worst it's been. Anyone see light at the end of this tunnel?
I bumped into some Panama cruising friends of Margie's today in Sears. What's up with that kitchen, Margie? Making you crazy or what???
I have so many pictures and so many options of places to put them....But some available soon, I promise!

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