Sunday, January 18, 2009

A good visit was had by all

We just kissed Doreen and George good-bye and sent them on the homeward trail after a fine brunch at Prospectors. They were in for the week-end and we did a whirlwind Friday night at Prospectors (and Jim and Ganine were there too!!), Saturday movie ("Gran Torino") that we all enjoyed immensely, Bucca de beppo dinner (another hit!), and a very crowded (Prospectors was closed with a private party) 38 West. Carol from the Jamboree in the Hills joined us for dinner and dancing Saturday and we all had a great time!

Backing up a bit, we did a reunion dinner at Prospectors with mega folk sprice and ab (Sue and Dana from Michigan) on Wednesday. Dana was in town on business and Sue helped us organize the get-together (just sorry Melissa couldn't join us). It was great except for poor Sue's drive to us from Phila which took and hour and a half longer than it should have. (She fired her GPS, I heard).

I'm thinking of Margie and Mike and their crowd on this week's cruise to Panama and hoping they are having a warm and wonderful time.

I've been working at Block and Contact (the book club meeting was postponed for weather) and all is well on both fronts.

It's movie time.....

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