Well, it's next year already. I am used to 2009, it's 2010 that seems future-like, not to mention my 10 year passport will be expiring....but I digress....
We opted not to do the big New Year's Eve thing this year. Chinese food, movies, and staying in seemed to be the order of the evening. New Year's Day included heading to the gym for a work-out in addition to all the football games (for Tom) on an assorted array of TV screens.
In paying assorted(sordid?)bills, I realized that I have been paid by H & R Block twice already (direct deposit to a less frequently used account). I am looking forward to doing tax returns! I am also looking forward to leaving the cold weather behind and heading to FL and the warm Caribbean water!)
My kickbox class instructor moved to FL, on a related note, geographically speaking, and we miss him terribly! I almost went there Monday to work out and pretend he was leading it, but...nah....
I started going to Dr. Bidwell in Moorestown for chiropractic purposes. I LOVE her!!! (Ironically, my "we are one" bff , Doreen, started the same treatment the same time I did...independently of each other!) (The really good news on that front is she and George are coming to town in mid Jan. We are so excited!!!)
I have a feeling with the holidays on Wed into Thurs this year, a lot of people who have the week off are experiencing my usual disorientation with days of the week. I was just thinking, though, how happy i will be on the real Monday when I don't have to go back to work, just continue along in relatively carefree day recognition-not.
Perhaps I should get more sleep though. (New Year's Resolution?.......maybe......)