We were up and getting ready to leave for dialysis early Thursday morning (2/6) when I heard a crash and ran down to the basement. Tom had fallen down the steps. He had minimal physical damage in terms of shoulder, and hip, but the top and back of his head was bruised and bleeding. He was transferred from the Mt. Holly ER to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Camden (20miles/40 minutes away from home) that night and is still there recovering.
Leaving Mt. Holly |
He was bleeding in his brain which has caused a big problem with his thinking and communicating verbally.
They did many scans and monitored his brainwaves.

He was improved enough to move him out of the ICU and into Bed 1 on the 5th floor PCU early morning Sunday. He still can't answer the "Can you tell me your birthday" question and although he is doing more talking much of it is filled with wrong or gibbery words for what he is trying to say. He still sleeps a lot and hasn't eaten much (first two days only liquids allowed and now back to little appetite)
Someone came to talk about acute rehab when he is ready to move in that direction. Last night after I got home (4th night in a row I got a bit lost and turned around on the dark drive home :-) he called with a pleading request to get out of there and come home. His intent was clear but the words were not coming out right. I don't know how long it is going to take for a full recovery if that is even going to happen. I pray that it does (and am so grateful for all the prayers from Facebook friends that is currently ongoing).
Meanwhile, Sue wrote that they arrived in New Zealand safely at 10:15 p.m. (5:15 a.m. here!)