Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Time flies by again!

 I can't believe I haven't posted anything since September and now it's mid November. Wow.

So most recently I wanted to share this video of me dancing a fun dance at Prospectors:

Honky Tonk Way

But let's see what else happened since last I was on here...hmm....

2023 NJREA/NJEA Convention

Eastampton Book Club (and Contact too, but no picture!)

BCREA and NJREA fall luncheon meetings, 

BCEA social, McKayla's baby shower.

A visit from the Goffs

     Lunch with Ann and Gina. 

I'm mid Medicare Open Enrollment and HR Block Season 24 training.

Upcoming is a (small) DEAR lunch, Thanksgiving, Library Book Sale and holiday dinner, 2 weeks in Florida, Christmas, New Year's, Tom's surgery.