This morning's funeral service for Rick Trout, fellow SHIP volunteer, was very sad. He passed away unexpectedly at age 74 and he will be missed.
From there, I met up with Tom at the Xfinity store for our 1:30 appointment to switch our cell phone service to xfinity from verizon and get (relatively free) new phones. Three and a half hours later we walked out with not only the two new phones, but also our old phones, functioning on the new plan with new phone numbers. Cool, right?
Looking back a few days, Tom went to church on Sunday, we celebrated Veterans Day with Tom golfing (and hurting after :-(, a haircut for him, and dinner at IHOP (Applebees, fancy-like) had an hour and a half wait (not enough servers to accommodate).
Only danced on Wednesday, but there's always next week!
Haircut by Krissy
Waiting for dinner