Today I am going to a production of "Grease" featuring the Melvin kids and others. Film at eleven....

The trip to NYC was quite an adventure...sort of a Wonderland lunch and then the disappointment of not getting into the taping for the Millionaire show after all, but the guaranteed promise for the next time....(Can you spell "confirmed reservation"???)
A foggy beach time at Brigantine and some fun dancing at Prospectors upon our early return rounded out the midweek. (Sugarfootin' Sunday was fun, too!)
Let it be known that choosing the Long Term Health Care plan is way more complicated than one might expect.....
Rumor has it Crystal, Linda, and the grandchildren of Arkansas will be heading our way while we are in Myrtle Beach this month. Whoo hoo!
Upcoming activities prior to that SC trek include the brunch bunch in Manyunk, box making for DKG and newsletter folding for BCREA....